On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am pleased to extend an invitation to attend IWUMD 2023, the sixth international workshop on UV Materials and Devices from June 5-8th, 2023. This year’s workshop will be held in the beautiful city of Metz, France.
This IWUMD provides unique opportunities for our research community to meet, to network, and to discuss the latest R&D achievements related to UV materials and devices in a convivial and historic setting. Excellent researchers will be presenting papers on new trends in both fundamental and applied research, on progress in modeling and on innovation in device design, epitaxy, and fabrication. IWUMD has an excellent slate of plenary talks, topical sessions with invited and contributed presentations, and a poster session will provide an additional forum for presenting various research results. IWUMD 2023 also provides opportunities to companies to present their products and applications of interest to the leaders of the UV community.
I believe the combination of scientific excellence, an enjoyable program and atmosphere, and the hard work of the Organizing Committee will make IWUMD 2023 a memorable way to advance UV technologies in a way that will help bring benefits to society.